
Thoughts presented here are geared towards understanding Creator and Creator's Creation. There is no conflict with other thoughts, since all thoughts are pervaded by the Creator, where not true is non-existent. Therefore, all thoughts are TRUTH and hence no conflict.

Though, having conjectured about the TRUTH, the mind is an infinite resource identity and in spite of the conjectures from the intellect, harbors conflict which may cause perturbations in the social setup of day to day living. The intention here is to add value.

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July 26, 2013

Creation is an outcome of Creator, and it is not about this Creation we want to talk about here.  We want to talk about the Creator itself ---

Who or what is this Creator?  Where did it come from or is it always here?  What is the cause for it to come about, or is it an effect?  If it is an effect, it is an effect to what?  If it is always here, by what mechanism existence comes about without birth?  What created this mechanism and how?

What is the fabric of Creator, what is it made up of?  Thought, mind, or something else? What does it do during human day and night?  Does it get tired and does it sleep?  How does it energize itself to keep going?

Is Creator larger than its Creation, if it is, how far out does it exists?  Does it have a boundary, and if it has, what is beyond this boundary?

And, what, in this human form, I need to do to understand this Creator?
Please share your knowledge about Creator with all of us.

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