Today's Thought

January 1, 2014 -- About "Nishkam"


At birth, all life forms are equipped to live life as it unfolds while remaining a whole, complete, and cohesive unit all of the time.  Out of all these life forms, perhaps, human is the only life form wanting to experience Brusm, the infinite knowledge.  Humans also have the ability to exercise reasoning based upon the perception of all pairs of opposites, which when exercised, results in work and therefore an effect.  When these works are performed with an expectation of a reward, the resulting effects accumulate in time, burdening our unit “self” continuously.  We get torn into pieces; each piece clinging to an effect and what was a whole cohesive unit at birth ceases to exist. Brusm, no longer remains in our heart and we are lost into the darkness of ignorance.

A way to experience Brusm and at the same time continue to work is very simple.  Do “Nishkam.”  Firstly, perform work without expecting any reward, and secondly, empty your mind completely.  Emptying the mind completely is equivalent to dividing by zero. The result is infinity – your mind will experience the infinite Brusm.

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